Presented by Dieter Adriaenssens
- May 29th 2019 : "Errant GTIDs breaking replication" @ Percona Live 2019, Austin (Texas, USA)
- July 3rd 2016 : "What I learned from 365 days of contributing to Open Source projects" (video) @ Debconf 16, Cape Town (South Africa)
- January 31st 2016 : "Buildtime Trend : Visualise what's trending in your build process" (video) @ FOSDEM 2016, Brussels (Belgium)
- April 5th 2015 : "Buildtime Trend : Visualise what's trending in your build process" @ Newline 0x05, Ghent (Belgium)
- April 5th 2015 : "What I learned from 365 days of contributing to Open Source projects" @ Newline 0x05, Ghent (Belgium)
- May 8th 2014 : 'Reduce iptables configuration complexity using chains' @ LinuxTag 2014, Berlin (licensed under Creative commons Attribution-ShareAlike : CC BY-SA)
- August 13th 2013 : 'phpMyAdmin tutorial' (video) @ Debconf 13, Vaumarcus (Switzerland)
- February 3rd 2013 : 'Present and future of phpMyAdmin' @ FOSDEM 2013, Brussels (Belgium)
These presentations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, unless otherwise specified :